Unlocking the Mystery: Why is the ViewModelProvider Class Private?
Image by Nicollette - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Mystery: Why is the ViewModelProvider Class Private?

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why the ViewModelProvider class is private in Android’s Architecture Components? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this design decision and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the ViewModelProvider class and its role in your Android app.

What is the ViewModelProvider Class?

The ViewModelProvider class is a utility class provided by the Android Architecture Components that helps you create and manage ViewModels in your app. A ViewModel is an abstraction of the View that holds the business logic of your app, exposing data and functionality to the View through a public interface. The ViewModelProvider class acts as a factory, creating instances of ViewModels and providing them to your Activity or Fragment.

The Problem: Why Do We Need a ViewModelProvider?

In the early days of Android development, managing the lifecycle of Activities and Fragments was a challenging task. When the system re-created an Activity or Fragment, the app’s state was often lost, leading to frustration and data inconsistencies. To combat this, developers resorted to using various workarounds, such as storing data in Bundles or using static variables. However, these approaches had their own set of problems, including tight coupling and data leakage.

Enter the ViewModelProvider class, which solves this problem by providing a centralized mechanism for creating and managing ViewModels. By using the ViewModelProvider, you can decouple your ViewModels from your Activities and Fragments, ensuring that your app’s state is preserved even when the system re-creates your components.

Why is the ViewModelProvider Class Private?

So, why is the ViewModelProvider class private? The answer lies in the way the Android Architecture Components are designed. The ViewModelProvider class is an internal implementation detail of the Architecture Components, and as such, it’s not intended for direct use by developers.

By making the ViewModelProvider class private, the Android team aims to achieve several goals:

  • Encapsulation**: By hiding the implementation details of the ViewModelProvider, the Android team can ensure that developers don’t rely on internal implementation specifics, making it easier to change or refactor the architecture components without breaking existing apps.
  • Abstraction**: The private ViewModelProvider class allows developers to focus on the public interface of the ViewModel, rather than the internal mechanics of how it’s created and managed. This abstraction enables a more modular and flexible app design.
  • Testability**: By providing a private implementation, the Android team can create a more testable architecture. Since the ViewModelProvider class is private, it can be easily mocked or stubbed in unit tests, making it easier to test your app’s logic in isolation.

How to Use the ViewModelProvider Class

So, if the ViewModelProvider class is private, how do you use it in your app? The answer is simple: you don’t. Instead, you use the ViewModelProviders class, which is a public utility class that provides a way to create and manage ViewModels.

// Get an instance of the ViewModelProvider
ViewModelProvider viewModelProvider = ViewModelProviders.of(this);

// Create a new instance of your ViewModel
MyViewModel viewModel = viewModelProvider.get(MyViewModel.class);

In this example, the ViewModelProviders class is used to create an instance of the ViewModelProvider, which is then used to create a new instance of your ViewModel.

Best Practices for Using the ViewModelProvider

When using the ViewModelProvider, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Use the ViewModelProviders class**: Always use the ViewModelProviders class to create an instance of the ViewModelProvider. This ensures that you’re using the correct implementation for your app.
  2. Define a clear scope**: Make sure you define a clear scope for your ViewModel, such as an Activity or Fragment. This ensures that the ViewModel is correctly tied to the component’s lifecycle.
  3. Use a consistent naming convention**: Use a consistent naming convention for your ViewModels, such as appending “ViewModel” to the name of your class. This makes it easier to identify and manage your ViewModels.
  4. Keep your ViewModels lightweight**: Aim to keep your ViewModels lightweight and focused on a specific task or feature. This makes it easier to manage and test your app’s logic.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When using the ViewModelProvider, there are some common pitfalls to avoid:

Pitfall Description
Directly instantiating the ViewModelProvider Never directly instantiate the ViewModelProvider class. Instead, use the ViewModelProviders class to create an instance of the ViewModelProvider.
Using a static ViewModel Avoid using static ViewModels, as they can lead to memory leaks and tight coupling between components. Instead, use the ViewModelProvider to create instances of your ViewModels.
Storing data in the ViewModel Avoid storing data in the ViewModel, as it can lead to data inconsistencies and tight coupling between components. Instead, use a data storage solution, such as a Room database or a Repository.


In conclusion, the ViewModelProvider class is private because it’s an internal implementation detail of the Android Architecture Components. By using the ViewModelProviders class and following best practices, you can create robust and modular apps that take advantage of the benefits provided by the Architecture Components.

Remember, the ViewModelProvider class is not intended for direct use by developers. Instead, focus on the public interface of the ViewModel and let the Architecture Components handle the creation and management of your ViewModels.

By understanding the reasons behind the private ViewModelProvider class, you can unlock the full potential of the Android Architecture Components and create apps that are more robust, scalable, and maintainable.

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Why is the ViewModelProvider class private” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the mysteries of the ViewModelProvider class!

Why is ViewModelProvider private by default?

The ViewModelProvider class is private by default because it’s intended to be used as a utility class, not as a part of the public API. By making it private, the Android Dev team can freely modify or replace it without worrying about breaking backwards compatibility.

Is there a way to use ViewModelProvider despite it being private?

Yes, you can use the ViewModelProvider by using the ViewModelProviders utility class, which provides a way to obtain an instance of ViewModelProvider. This class is part of the Android Architecture Components, and it’s designed to help you create and manage ViewModels in your app.

What’s the difference between ViewModelProvider and ViewModelProviders?

ViewModelProvider is a private class that provides instances of ViewModels, while ViewModelProviders is a utility class that provides a way to obtain an instance of ViewModelProvider. Think of ViewModelProviders as a factory class that helps you create ViewModels, while ViewModelProvider is the actual class that manages the ViewModels.

Why did the Android Dev team make ViewModelProvider private?

The Android Dev team made ViewModelProvider private to encapsulate its implementation details and to prevent developers from misusing it. By making it private, they can change or refactor the class without affecting the public API, which helps to maintain the stability and consistency of the Android Architecture Components.

What are the benefits of using ViewModelProvider and ViewModelProviders?

Using ViewModelProvider and ViewModelProviders helps you to write more robust and maintainable code by providing a way to manage ViewModels in a centralized and efficient manner. It also helps to decouple your UI components from your business logic, making it easier to test and maintain your app.

I hope this helps!

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