Unlocking the Power of Managed Identity Federated Credentials: What to Put in ‘repoOwners’
Image by Nicollette - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Managed Identity Federated Credentials: What to Put in ‘repoOwners’

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When it comes to securing your cloud-based infrastructure, Managed Identity Federated Credentials are a game-changer. But, have you ever wondered what exactly should be put in the ‘repoOwners’ section of this policy? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Managed Identity Federated Credentials and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions on what to include in ‘repoOwners’ to ensure seamless authentication and authorization.

What are Managed Identity Federated Credentials?

Before we dive into the specifics of ‘repoOwners’, let’s take a step back and understand what Managed Identity Federated Credentials are. In a nutshell, these credentials allow you to federate identities from multiple sources, such as Azure Active Directory (AAD), GitHub, or Google Workspace, to access your cloud resources. This means you can use your existing identities to authenticate and authorize access to your cloud-based applications and services.

Benefits of Managed Identity Federated Credentials

So, why should you care about Managed Identity Federated Credentials? Here are just a few benefits:

  • Simplified Identity Management**: No more managing multiple identity providers or worrying about password sprawl.
  • Enhanced Security**: Federated identities provide an additional layer of security, making it harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access.
  • Improved User Experience**: Users can access multiple resources with a single set of credentials, reducing the complexity and friction associated with traditional authentication methods.

The ‘repoOwners’ Section: The Key to Unlocking Federated Credentials

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get to the heart of the matter: what should you put in the ‘repoOwners’ section of your Managed Identity Federated Credentials policy? The answer depends on your specific use case and requirements, but we’ll cover the most common scenarios.

Scenario 1: GitHub Repository Owners

If you’re using GitHub as your identity provider, you’ll need to specify the owners of the repositories that contain the credentials. These owners can be individuals, teams, or organizations.

  "repoOwners": [

In this example, we’re specifying three different owners: an individual user ‘octocat’, a team ‘my-team’, and an organization ‘my-organization’. These entities will have access to the credentials stored in the repository.

Scenario 2: Azure Active Directory (AAD) Group Membership

Alternatively, you might want to specify a group membership in Azure Active Directory (AAD) as the ‘repoOwners’. This allows you to manage access to the credentials based on group membership.

  "repoOwners": [

Replace ‘{groupId}’ with the actual ID of the AAD group you want to use as the ‘repoOwners’. This will ensure that only members of this group can access the credentials.

Scenario 3: Custom Identity Providers

What if you’re using a custom identity provider, such as Okta or OneLogin? In this case, you’ll need to specify the custom identity provider in the ‘repoOwners’ section.

  "repoOwners": [

Replace ‘{your-okta-domain}’ and ‘{your-onelogin-domain}’ with your actual custom identity provider domains, and ‘{userId}’ with the actual user ID.

Best Practices for Configuring ‘repoOwners’

When configuring the ‘repoOwners’ section, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Use Specificity**: Be as specific as possible when specifying owners. This will help prevent unintended access to your credentials.
  2. Use Groups Instead of Individuals**: Where possible, use groups instead of individual users. This makes it easier to manage access and reduces the risk of errors.
  3. Test and Verify**: Always test and verify your ‘repoOwners’ configuration to ensure it’s working as expected.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When it comes to configuring ‘repoOwners’, there are some common pitfalls to avoid:

Pitfall Description
Specifying too many owners This can lead to unintended access to your credentials. Be cautious when specifying owners and only include those who need access.
Using vague or generic owners Avoid using generic owners like ‘everyone’ or ‘all users’. Instead, use specific groups or individuals to ensure precise control over access.
Failing to test and verify Don’t assume your ‘repoOwners’ configuration is correct. Always test and verify to ensure it’s working as expected.


In conclusion, configuring the ‘repoOwners’ section of your Managed Identity Federated Credentials policy is a crucial step in securing your cloud-based infrastructure. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to specify the correct owners and ensure seamless authentication and authorization. Remember to always test and verify your configuration, and avoid common pitfalls that can compromise your security.

Now that you’ve mastered the art of ‘repoOwners’, take your cloud security to the next level by exploring other Managed Identity Federated Credentials features and capabilities. Happy securing!

Frequently Asked Question

Wondering what should be put in the ‘repoOwners’ section of the Managed Identity Federated Credentials policy? We’ve got you covered!

What is the purpose of the ‘repoOwners’ field in Managed Identity Federated Credentials policy?

The ‘repoOwners’ field is used to specify the identities of the GitHub repository owners who are allowed to use the federated credentials to authenticate with Azure services.

Can I put individual GitHub user IDs in the ‘repoOwners’ field?

Yes, you can add individual GitHub user IDs separated by commas in the ‘repoOwners’ field. For example, “user1, user2, user3”. This allows these specific users to use the federated credentials.

What if I want to allow all users in a GitHub organization to use the federated credentials?

You can add the GitHub organization ID in the ‘repoOwners’ field, prefixed with “org-“. For example, “org-myorganization”. This allows all users in the specified organization to use the federated credentials.

Can I add multiple GitHub organizations to the ‘repoOwners’ field?

Yes, you can add multiple GitHub organization IDs separated by commas in the ‘repoOwners’ field. For example, “org-organization1, org-organization2, org-organization3”. This allows users from all specified organizations to use the federated credentials.

What happens if I leave the ‘repoOwners’ field empty?

If you leave the ‘repoOwners’ field empty, the federated credentials will not be accessible to anyone. You must specify at least one GitHub user ID or organization ID in the ‘repoOwners’ field to enable the use of federated credentials.

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